kit house projects


What is a kit house from "ScandiProject"?

Kit house - is your opportunity to build a modern house according to our project, even if you live far away, the most remote region of Russia or CIS country. In the shortest time you will get a fully thought-out, functional and technological solution.

Developing new projects we proceeded from the needs of a family of 3-4 people, who want to have a modern beautiful house out of town, suitable for permanent living. In the planning decision we tried to use the space as effectively as possible, so that the house would be practical and comfortable with a relatively small area and not inferior in functionality to more expensive and larger variants.

included in price

What is included in the package price?


House frame

Frame set of exterior and interior bearing walls, strapping beams, floor beams of all levels, truss system made on high-tech equipment


Plastic windows - double-glazed windows, Veka SL70 profile


Soft roof

multilayer flexible material of non-woven fiberglass fleece impregnated with bitumen of high heat resistance.

Project documents

includes architectural, functional and technological, structural and engineering solutions to ensure construction

included in price

Project documentation

Architectural design

concept of the object with a comprehensive solution of functional, structural and aesthetic requirements

Engineering networks

design of sewer and water system, ventilation, sewerage, electricity, heating

Design project

a set of sketches, bills of materials, plans, schemes, specifications

Building project

includes a detailed design of the supporting structure of the building, ensuring its reliability, strength and durability


  • the level of modern logistics allows delivery to any region of Russia
  • the cost of delivery is calculated individually and depends on the remoteness of the object and weight
  • you can arrange the date of delivery when placing your order

house installation

  • all elements of the support-beam system are perfectly cut and do not require additional adjustment
  • no mistakes during installation thanks to the instructions
  • you can build your own kit by yourself or order the build teams from your region



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any questions?

What foundation to choose?
Are utilities and finishings included in the price?
What are the delivery terms?
Is delivery included in the cost of the house kit?
Let's make something great


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